Mary Fran

Mary Fran

Now is a good time for revisualizing your landscape

As we wind down the year and prefer the warmth of indoors, this is a good time to contemplate garden projects that make life easier and improve the landscape. A good start is evaluating plants that have outgrown their spaces or just don’t satisfy. Another consideration is what to do with those plants that have proven to be thugs. Eliminating some lawn is yet another possibility. Perhaps you’re ready to take on a larger project, such as redesigning your backyard, as Lloyd Thompson’s Nov. 16 garden column outlined.
Read this articleNow is a good time for revisualizing your landscape

Insect borers provide lessons in Community Education Garden

The Community Education Garden is educational both for WSU Chelan/Douglas Master Gardeners, as well as the community. The lovely garden at the northwest corner of Springwater and Western avenues is open for you to stroll through most any time, just don’t pick flowers or vegetables. It’s a great place for ideas and learning, as well as the just plain leisurely pleasures of a walk around an interesting landscape.
Read this articleInsect borers provide lessons in Community Education Garden

Ground covers can serve a variety of roles in the garden landscape

Ground covers are important to prevent erosion, lessen weeds and beautify our landscapes. These small, hug-the-ground plants form perfect low edgings for flower borders. Many are valuable for quickly filling in an area and providing color with a minimum of maintenance while providing fine texture to aesthetically balance all those larger-leafed shrubs and trees.
Read this articleGround covers can serve a variety of roles in the garden landscape