Community Foundation of North Central Washington
It’s that giving time of the year….
The Master Gardener Foundation of Chelan-Douglas Counties (MGFCDC) is pleased to announce that we are participating in the Community Foundation’s GiveNCW campaign this year. This annual event gives the community an opportunity to donate to one or many non-profit organizations from Thanksgiving to December 31. The MGFCDC is one of 80+ organizations participating this year.
Learn more about giving to the MGFCD and Give NCW
Please pass the word to friends and family so the Master Gardener Foundation can meet our $1000+ goal! Here is how it works:
- Between Thanksgiving and December 31st go to
- Scroll down the page to look for the Master Gardener Foundation logo and click or tap on the Donate button.
- Enter the amount and Continue Giving until you are ready to check out.
- 100% of your donation goes straight to the Master Gardener Foundation of Chelan-Douglas Counties to fund many of the Extension Master Gardener Program events and projects, like free plant clinics and gardening classes. [the Community Foundation even takes care of the credit card fees but donors can choose to pay the CC fees if they wish.]
- You’ll receive a tax receipt from the Community Foundation and the Foundation will send your giving information on to MGFCDC (unless you choose to be anonymous).
- Give on a Funday Monday and you’ll be entered to win $1,000 to use on GiveNCW any way you choose! The Community Foundation will draw 5 winners each week.
- Give to All donations are distributed equally among all non-profits who have received at least $1000 in donations. This year the Community Foundation has
received a $50,000 match.