Building partnerships

The cornerstone of success

Providing a solid foundation for growth

As a Foundation, we provide funding to increase the effectiveness and impact of the WSU Extension Master Gardener Program throughout Chelan and Douglas Counties.

cougar head logo

Washington State University Extension

WSU administers the Extension Master Gardener Program, trains volunteers and provides the educational resources volunteers use to do community outreach throughout the state. Outreach to offer programs like plant clinics, demonstration gardens, and youth programs requires continual funding. Master Gardener foundations provide that funding.

Chelan County Foundation

Flowers growing by fence.

The Master Gardener Foundation of Chelan-Dougls Counties (MGFCD) provides funding for the WSU Extension Master Gardener Chelan-Douglas County Program.

Funding supports:

  1. Science-based plant and insect diagnostic clinics.
  2. Demonstration gardens throughout Chelan and Douglas Counties.
  3. Speakers’ bureau provides presentations on a variety gardening topics.
  4. Youth gardening outreach.

All Extension Master Gardeners in Chelan and Douglas counties may become a member of the Foundation.

Washington State Foundation

Master Gardeners at conference in 2018.

The focus of the Master Gardener Foundation of Washington State (MGFWS) is threefold:

  1. Provide financial and logistical support for the annual Advanced Education Conference.
  2. Provide state-wide leadership and communication among numerous local chapters.
  3. Work in concert with WSU Extension to increase the visibility of the benefits of the WSU Master Gardener Program throughout Washington State.