Powering our projects and educational opportunities
We engage in fund development opportunities designed to complement the WSU Extension Master Gardener Program. The Local Foundation provides direct support for the Chelan/Douglas County chapter of the Master Gardener Program while the State Foundation supports County Foundations in communities throughout Washington.

At the local Chapter level, we develop and operate key events like plant sales, merchandise sales and other events to raise money that helps to pay for key programs like plant clinics, community gardens, and demonstration gardens.
Plant Sales
Each Spring, in late April or early May, the Foundation conducts a plant sale at Pybus Market in Wenatchee. Visitors to the plant sale will find a variety of tomatoes, peppers, herbs, vegetables, and perennials for their gardens. This event is the largest fundraiser of the Foundation and provides necessary financial support for the Master Gardener Program of Chelan and Douglas counties.
Donations and contributions also provide vital support to the local Master Gardener Program. Please see our “How to Help” page for details of the various ways you can provide support. Some of the ways are:
- Online or cash donations
- In-kind donations of garden supplies
- Contributions via shopping
- Purchase merchandise at events

The primary efforts of the State Foundation are concentrated on furthering the horticultural education of our volunteers and members of the public; to provide leadership for and communication of state-wide best practices for the funding of our programs; and working with WSU to enhance the Extension Master Gardener Program.
The Advanced Education Conference (AEC)
The AEC is a multi-day annual event that takes place in the fall. It is open to the public and serves as advanced education for certified Master Gardener volunteers. Click here for more information on the upcoming Advanced Education Conference.
Partnering with WSU
Since the creation of the Master Gardener Program, WSU Extension has been the leader in innovating programs to meet the needs of our communities and our volunteers. Our Foundations partnered with WSU to expand upon and accelerate this program development.
Now, WSU is innovating again with the nation’s first Endowed Faculty Chair. We are helping to raise funds to ensure that WSU Extension Master Gardeners has a permanent member of the faculty dedicated to furthering the mission of our program.