Financial support helps Extension Master Gardeners make an impact

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Our foundation financially supports several demonstration gardens as our “outdoor classrooms”.
Areas of Chelan and Douglas counties have arid conditions that create special challenges to gardeners due to less than 10 inches of rainfall each year.
Homeowners who wish to observe how plant varieties respond to these conditions can view and evaluate them in public gardens in the Wenatchee Valley area and Leavenworth, WA which include:
- Community Education Garden – Springwater & Western Avenues, Wenatchee
- Xeric Garden – Riverfront Park, Wenatchee
- Pollinator Garden – Leavenworth fish hatchery
- Boswell Garden – Chelan County Fairgrounds, Cashmere
- Bridge of Friendship – East Wenatchee – Maintained by Chelan/Douglas MGs

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Enjoy free tours and short tutorials to educate and motivate you to get outside and into the garden. Held at the Master Gardener Community Education Garden, from March through October, each Third Saturday features garden talks (mini classes) covering specific gardening basics. One summer favorite is the Tomato Gala in August.
Our foundation funds these events, making them free to the public.

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Our WSU Master Gardeners diagnosis teams offers free clinics to home gardeners to identify plant problems and pests. They recommend solutions to manage them and our gardens using research-based sustainable practices.
Contact our clinic in three ways: online, by telephone, or in-person (during the growing season).
The Master Gardener Foundation of Chelan County assures that our plant clinics are always offered free to the public.

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Youth Gardening Education
Chelan and Douglas County Master Gardener volunteers engage with the next generation of gardeners to start them off on the right foot. Our foundation provides the funding for youth gardening classes and activities throughout Chelan and Douglas counties. We want your children to love gardening and to learn how to garden sustainably.