WSU Chelan/Douglas County Master Gardener Program
Advanced Education Conference (AEC) Scholarship Reimbursement Application
Eligibility Requirements:
To be eligible for available scholarship money, you must be a WSU Chelan/Douglas County Certified Master Gardener in active status.
Available Funds:
Reimbursement will be awarded in an amount not to exceed $50.00 each toward the registration cost of the 2024 Advanced Education Conference. Registration costs will be reimbursed in an equal amount to qualifying individual applicants. All applications will be processed together within a week after the submission deadline. Approved funds will be awarded after completion of an approved event, based on receipts submitted by the applicant. It is possible that not every applicant will be awarded funds. Funds will be awarded as follows:
First Priority:
- Certified volunteers in active status who have not received a scholarship in the past two years.
- A lottery will be conducted in the event there are more applications received than there are funds available.
Second Priority:
- Certified volunteers in active status who have received a scholarship in the past two years.
- A lottery will be conducted in the event that all first priority scholarships have been granted and there are still funds available.
Application deadline is two weeks prior to the event registration deadline. If the event has no registration deadline, the reimbursement application deadline shall be two weeks prior to the event.
All applications must be submitted to Master Gardener Foundation of Chelan-Douglas Counties at PO Box 2211, Wenatchee, WA 98807, or e-mailed to
Determination: Recipients will be notified in a reasonable amount of time.
Registration: All attendees are required to register themselves.