Weekly classes blend garden, kitchen interests
By Marco Martinez
WSU Chelan/Douglas County Master Gardener Program Coordinator
Classes on garden topics and ways to use your garden produce are being offered at the Celebration Lutheran Church Community Garden, 801 8th St. NE, East Wenatchee.
The Wednesday classes start at 6:30 p.m. and continue through the first week in October. The free series is offered by WSU Extension, SNAP-Ed Nutrition Program and Chelan-Douglas County Master Gardeners. The community garden is the combined effort of those programs and Celebration Lutheran Church.
- Aug. 9, Three New Ways to Use Zucchini: Are you running out of ideas for using your zucchini? Tired of zucchini bread? Join us as we create and taste some delicious recipes you will make more than once.
- Aug. 16, Make the Best Sauerkraut: Sauerkraut lovers will not want to miss this session. This class will teach the secrets for making and canning tasty sauerkraut.
- Aug. 30, Grill Those Veggies: Learn three tasty and easy ways to grill your garden vegetables. Turn those common veggies into a show-stopping side dish to compliment your entrée.
- Sept. 13, Let’s Make Salsa: Learn how to turn your garden bounty of tomatoes, cabbage, peppers, and onions into fresh and flavorful salsas that you can serve with baked tortilla chips or pita.
- Sept. 27, What To Do with Squash: Need new ideas for using squash? How about apple butternut soup, spaghetti squash lasagna, butternut apple crisp or tasty roasted squash? Join us to taste these recipes!
- Oct. 4, Putting Your Garden to Bed: The gardening season is winding down quickly. Learn how to put your garden to bed for easy start up in the spring. Discover plants you can grow and enjoy over the winter months.
Marco Martinez is coordinator of the Chelan-Douglas Master Gardener Program. He is a former reporter and editor for The Wenatchee World.
Tips for entering your garden bounty at the fair
With county fair time approaching, it’s time to start thinking about how the flowers and veggies you are growing can be exhibited and earn ribbons.
The Chelan-Douglas Master Gardener Program is offering a 30-minute class Friday titled “Take Your Vegetables to the Fair!” It will take place at 9 a.m. at the Community Education Garden (CEG) at the northwest corner of Western and Springwater avenues. Master Gardener Connie Mehmel will offer tips for preparing veggies and flowers for exhibit.
The class is being offered as part of the “First Fridays in the Garden” series at the CEG.