Time to prepare a successful spring garden
By Mary Fran McClure
WSU Chelan/Douglas County Master Gardener

Ah, October’s cooling weather and shorter days means it’s time to prepare for winter. Now is the perfect opportunity to learn about a bunch of smart things to accomplish this fall that will provide generous gardening rewards next year.
Come join the free talks from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 5 at the WSU Chelan-Douglas Master Gardener Program’s final Third Saturday in the Garden event of the year. It will take place at the Community Education Garden (CEG) on the northwest corner of Western and Springwater avenues in Wenatchee. You’re reading this correctly if you note our event is the first Saturday of the month, rather than the usual third Saturday, and in early afternoon rather than late morning. We are providing useful gardening education earlier in the month to allow more time for you to tackle these important October gardening chores.
The program features several 10- to 15-minute presentations that cover a range of important topics helpful this time of year. Learn about:
- hows and whys of protecting trees, shrubs and roses that might profit from a little judicial fall pruning
- best ways to divide and store dahlias
- value of easy worm composting in winter
- dividing perennials and grasses
- how to minimize insect problems
- what type of lawn care is needed this time of year
A panel of Master Gardeners will conclude the program, encouraging questions and discussion from the audience.
Bring your pruners and other small hand tools to our always popular sharpening station for a spruce-up.
A Plant Clinic table staffed by Master Gardeners and interns is your chance to ask garden questions or talk about your specific gardening problems.
The Master Gardener Foundation of Chelan-Douglas Counties will be selling gloves, small tools and other handy gardening items. All proceeds, including any donations for the tool sharpening service, benefit our local WSU Master Gardener Program.
Pick up a handout on successful bulb planting. This goes along with the opportunity to support Master Gardeners by ordering tulip and daffodil bulbs by going to bit.ly/mgfcdcbulbsale. For those who have placed orders for these bulbs, return to our Continuing Education Garden on Oct. 12 to pick up your order between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.
Sponsoring the 2024 Third Saturday in the Garden series finale is Denise Holland, LMT of Musculoskeletal and Wellness Massage.
For more information, contact WSU Chelan County Extension at 509-667-6540 between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8 a.m. to noon on Fridays.
A WSU Chelan and Douglas County Master Gardener column appears weekly in The Wenatchee World. To learn more, visit bit.ly/MGchelandouglas or call (509) 667-6540.