Funding the future

Supporting the WSU Master Gardener Program in Chelan and Douglas counties


Join us April 26, 2025, 9:00am - 2:00pm at Pybus Public Market.







Funding the future

Supporting the WSU Master Gardener Program in Chelan and Douglas counties


Master Gardener Foundation of Chelan-Douglas Counties

hands holding money.

The Master Gardener Foundation of Chelan-Douglas Counties financially supports the education programs and projects of the WSU Chelan/Douglas County Master Gardener Program.

Donations to this 501(c)3 charitable organization are tax deductible to the extent the law allows.

WSU Extension Master Gardener Program

hands holding money.

The WSU Chelan/Douglas County Master Gardener Program engages university-trained volunteers to empower and sustain diverse communities with relevant, unbiased, research-based horticulture and environmental stewardship education.

Make a difference

Master Gardener carrying tray of plants.

You can make a difference in the community by supporting the WSU Chelan/Douglas County Master Gardener Program.

Here are some ways to show your support:

Upcoming events

flowers, calendar and clock.

Upcoming Events

Ask a Master Gardener – Plant and insect diagnostic clinics

WSU Master Gardener Program volunteer diagnostic teams identify plant and pest problems and recommend solutions for lawns and gardens. Chapter foundations are key to financial support of these plant clinics.

The first test plant clinic was held at the Tacoma Mall in 1972, with overwhelming results. This led to the beginning of the WSU Extension Master Gardener Program in 1973, and today university-educated volunteers conduct plant clinics throughout Washington state, the US, and internationally.

Ladybug eggs laid in aphid colony.
Group of yellow ladybug eggs amidst an aphid infestation.
Casey Leigh
Casey Leigh
Bonnie Orr
Bonnie Orr
Mary Fran McClure
Mary Fran McClure
Ann Briggs
Ann Briggs
Connie Mehmel
Connie Mehmel
Lloyd Thompson
Lloyd Thompson
Julie Banken
Julie Banken
Viva Mertlich
Viva Mertlich
Casey Leigh
Casey Leigh
Bonnie Orr
Bonnie Orr

Past & present authors

Each week, one of our WSU Extension Chelan/Douglas County Master Gardeners shares their insights on a variety of gardening topics in the pages of the Wenatchee World newspaper.

We thank the Wenatchee World and staff for their generous support.

Read articles here or on the Wenatchee World digital edition (subscription required).

Person weeding in a garden.
Day by Day Calendar cover

WSU Master Gardeners present


It is never too early to begin thinking about your 2025 gardens. This handy guide will assist you with your planning now and garden maintenance later.

Order and download today.

Courtesy of The Master Gardener Foundation of Grays Harbor and Pacific Counties.

We appreciate the donations, grants and pledges from these organizations.

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Juris Vagners