Connie Mehmel

Connie Mehmel

Seed germination – what makes it work?

Winter solstice has passed, and the days are getting longer. Now is the time to get out your saved seeds, or order new ones, and prepare to propagate vegetables and flowers for your garden. Starting plants from seeds is exciting stuff for a gardener, but it has its challenges. Often you will hear someone say, “I never have any luck starting (name your problem seed).”
Read this articleSeed germination – what makes it work?

Get ready for winter gardening at the Community Education Garden

Summer is here, so every gardener knows it’s time to get ready for autumn. With that in mind, the WSU Master Gardeners invite you to the Community Education Garden (CEG) from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday, July 16 for some tips on winter gardening. As part of the 3rd Saturday in the Garden series, you can learn how to extend your harvest and have a source of fresh greens during cold months.
Read this articleGet ready for winter gardening at the Community Education Garden

Why Is there sugar on my tomato leaves?

In the summer of 2020, many home gardeners in Chelan County were surprised to find what looked like granulated sugar on the leaves of their tomato plants. This “sugar” was the excrement of an insect called the potato/tomato psyllid (Bactericera cockerelli), an aphid-like insect with piercing-sucking mouthparts that it uses to suck fluids from the leaves and stems of potatoes and tomatoes.
Read this articleWhy Is there sugar on my tomato leaves?